Application Character Name* Email* Class*Select valueBardBeastlordBerserkerClericDruidEnchanterMagicianMonkNecromancerPaladinRangerRogueShadow KnightShamanWarriorWizard Level* AA Count* Current Magelo or Raidloot profile* A short description of who you are and why you want to be a Member of Crimson Tempest* A history of your past guilds and how long you've been playing and why did you leave your previous guild and/or are you changing guilds?* List the people you know from Crimson Tempest What kind of raiding experience do you have?* Provide us with any relevant DPS or HEAL PARSES from current raid content.* Do you have the current and previous two expansion group progression lines finished?*YesNo Completed Megadeath Achievement Line*YesNo Do you sell weed during raids? (This really happened!)YesNoWho's asking? Who referred you to CT? (if anyone) reCAPTCHASubmitReset